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hello peeps ! welcome to Super Awesome . Have a nice day :D


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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Fatin Syuhada

my birthday countdown n sony experia ♥

semalam ktorng g pertama complex sbb nk tempah bju mlayu ayh ngn adk ,smbil tu ktorng g la jln2 tgk fon bru . pastu sy asyk tnjuk je fon kt sy nk . hee , benti kt 1 kdai tu . ktorng ckp ngn org tu psl samsung galaxy tab ,sbb ibu mmg minat gile . ingt nk beli la . pastu tnjuk kt ayh fon yg sy nak tu SONY SATIO ,tpi org tu ckp x best sbb slalu hang . huhu , die rekemen SONY EXPERIA . wahh2 , hrge die RM599 .ibu ckp rileks,nti ibu pjuk la ayh .. utk birthday nti kn . hehe :p ayh pn stuju nk beli . so mybe ari khamis ni nk g beli fon tu . wahh x sabarnyee !^^ .lgi 4 ari sy nk msuk 20 . huhu , sy rse agak tua -,- sokay la . n 1 lgi x sbar nk tnggu sbtu ni . smbut birthday ngn family , bf n kwn2 . hehe . domo cake taun ni . bff sy yg wt . thanx weyh :) rsenye tu je kott . haha , nti smbung lgi . daa :)